When deciding to start your own business, you need to learn how to make the most of the money you spend on your business. Your money will stretch even further when you start your own stamping business by becoming a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator during Sale-a-bration 2013!
Watch my short digital training video to see how much farther your investement into your new stamping business will go!
Where do you go from deciding you want to start your own stamping business by joining Stampin' Up! with me?
Here are three options:
1) Join Stampin' Up! now and join my team of Stampin' Up! Demonstrators by filling out the online application and choosing the products for your new demonstrator Starter Kit https://ida.stampinup.com?demoid=33637.
2) Like to learn more and/or ask some questions? Attend my Stampin' Up! Opportunity Night Call. Use the link to sign up for the call now https://stampingsmiles.com/learn-more-about-joining-stampin-up-and-becoming-a-member-of-my-group-of-stampin-up-demonstrators.html.
3) Just too excited to wait for my Opportunity Night Call? I understand. Give me a call at 702-513-9997. Let's chat and get your questions answered.
As soon as you join Stampin' Up! with me, we can get your business training started! You will start your training with a 26-week series I have developed for my new downline (this means when you recruit, the training is already in place for your new recruits!).
While waiting for your new demostrator Starter Kit to be delivered, there are many steps you can be taking towards a profitable stamping business! I will be there to tell you those steps and lend a hand!
If you would like suggestions on choices to make for your Starter Kit, please be sure to ask. Your kit contents will vary upon many factors. Let my experience guide you.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about starting your own stamping business by becoming a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator with me.
Stamping Smiles,
Become a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator during Sale-a-bration 2013!