My mom's hand and mineAs far as I can remember, I’ve always have thought how beautiful my mother’s hands are and often told her so. I’d try on her rings and pretend my long “you should be a piano player” fingers were as pretty as hers.

Then I  started recording cardmaking videos. I was immensely surprised and flattered to receive a few comments like “You should be a hand model.”

Kresege's Five and DimeFor this Mother’s Day, I wanted to share a story about Master Gardener Mom. She was a hand model! Her hand modeling days were at Kresge’s Five and Dime. The first Kresge’s store was opened in 1899 and eventually led into KMart stores we all know today.

Someone noticed how pretty my mom’s hands were and had her model nail polish and rings. I imagine her hands sold a lot of products for that Kresge’s Five and Dime.


While no one has every asked me to be a hand model, my mom truly was.

Whether you are blessed, like me, to still have your mom, or she’s left this Earth, I’m sure you’re thinking about her this Mother’s Day. Do you have a fun story to share about your mother? I’d love to hear it. Share it by leaving a comment below this post.

Happy Mother’s Day!



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