When you make a handmade greeting card, do you think of yourself as an artist?
You absolutely should! If I gave a room full of women the same rubberstamps, card stock, ink pads and ribbon to make a handstamped card, you would be amazed at how different each card would be!
You are an artist! Your personal style and taste will emerge.
Now imagine each is given the same stamp set and this time her choice of card stock, Designer Series Paper and accessories she wanted to use. Are you picturing a huge variety of handstamped cards?
For those of you who tell me they can only copy. Okay. The students who sit in museums painting a canvas of another artist's work, are they an artist? Of course! How amazing it is they can create a replicate of the original! That takes talent.
So does making your own handstamped greeting cards! Others could stare at the card and the supplies and not have a clue what to do. But you do, because you are an artist.
If you are thinking to yourself, anyone can do this. Because it most likely comes easy to you, you think everyone can. Theoretically, perhaps. I have two legs, so I could be an Olympian figure skater. Right? Only if they give medals to those who spend more time with their bottoms on the ice then skating.
Next time you send a handstamped smile with one of your handmade greeting cards, think about what the world would be without art.