2012 Stampin' Up! Holiday Catalog starts today, August 1!


Browse through the Holiday Catalog page by page.



 The wait to order is over!  Order your Stampin' Up! Holiday Catalog products in my online Stampin' Up! store now!


When you place your online Stampin' Up! orders with me, you enter into the Stamping Smiles Online Ordering Oasis!  After only 3 orders of $25 or more, you earn FREE shipping on the fourth order!  It is that easy.  No punch cards.  You don't have to wait until you spend hundreds of $$$ to earn your FREE shipping reward.   Just place your 4th order within one year of the first. 

Life is complicated enough, ordering the best stamping and scrapbooking supplies available should not be.  It isn't with the Stamping Smiles Online Ordering Oasis rewards program.  Enter into the oasis now with your first order on www.stampinsmiles.stampinup.net!



2012 Stampin' Up! Holiday Catalog starts today!




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