. . . wind.  Yep, wind on a beautiful, sunny day delayed my flight from Las Vegas, Nevada to Denver, Colorado.   Anyone making a connecting flight from there to Michigan or New York were simply not going anywhere today.


Standing in the long line waiting to see what was in store for me,  the young man I was sitting next to when we got the news got in line with me.  His experience with Southwest was that leaving on an alternate airline was not an option.  Southwest putting us up for the night was not going to offered.  A food voucher while spending the night in the airport was not going to happen either.


Are we having fun yet?  He was sweet.  It was nice to find a young man willing to talk with me and not have a temper at the situation.  His pondering on his options reminded me that I had a postcard with me instructing to call the Morris Travel Agency, used by Stampin’ Up! for the incentive trips, if I had any travel difficulties.  Worth a try.  It was during the stated hours.  How comforting to have someone looking to see what they could do for me.


She called Stampin’ Up!  They could not stop the wind, but they did make a reservation for me in a hotel with shuttle service to and from the airport.  So relieved that I would not be spending the night in the airport.   Being the class act they are, Stampin’ Up! is going to reimburse me for the hotel stay.  I laughingly suggested a ticket to Penn & Teller or Terry Fator when Morris Travel called to make sure all my arrangements had been made.  That was were the hospitality line was drawn. 🙂


My digs for the night?  Homewood Suites by Hilton. 


Homewood Suites by Hilton


Homewood Suites by Hilton

 Homewood Suites by Hilton


Homewood Suites by Hilton


Wish I had taken a picture of the young man.  A lot more attractive than a hotel room no matter how glad I was to see it.  Also would have loved to thank his mother for raising such a polite son.  What set him apart was not just politely responding to my questions.  It was his engaging me in conversation and making me feel like I had a partner is this adventure.  This young man will go far with the qualities he possess.


Many of us at Founder’s Circle joked we were not ready to go home yet because we so enjoyed the pampering and pillow gifts.  Be careful what you wish for, or at least be more specific.  🙂  


Instead of focusing on what went wrong, I am counting my blessings for a company that cares about my safety, a bed, take out delivery and for all the mothers and fathers raising thoughtful, kind children.





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