When I started my own home-based business 13 years ago by becoming a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator, I fully expected to earn an income. A good income working from home. My career with Stampin’ Up! has provided me the flexibility I need to earn and income and be able to move on a moments notice to yet another new city and state for my husband’s work. On average, we’ve moved once a year. I never looked at the moves that have taken me from coast to coast as a negative. Instead I chose to look at it as an opportunity to meet a lot more people who would want to be introduced to learning how to make handmade cards. Thankfully there are a lot of you who do – in the north, south, east and west.
What I never never imagined was that one day I’d receive one of the highest honors given by Stampin’ Up! by placing in the top 100 Stampin’ Up! Demonstrators (of approximately 40,000 in U.S. and Canada) and earning a spot in the Founder’s Circle. That honor is giving me an all expense paid 5 day vacation to St. George, Utah!
So, as I’m planning for my upcoming retreat in September, I can’t help but reflect upon how much I love working from home as a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator. Stampin’ Up! is going to spoil us rotten to show us how much they appreciate the time and energy we spend on our businesses. I’m more than happy to let them. 🙂
A big part of my business is helping others start their own stamping businesses too. It happens to be a favorite part of my job. It’s exciting to share the opportunities available to anyone who wants to work their business. I’ll do that by sharing and guiding you with my 13 years of experience and my on-going training with professional business coaches that has resulted in a profitable business that also is also rewarded with all-expense paid vacations, cash and product bonuses. Are you ready to start your stamping business? Willing to consistently work your new business? Ready to let me cheer you on to becoming a Rising Star as one of my downline did this part year (so incredibly proud of her!)?
If your answer is yes, fantastic! You can start right now by joining Stampin’ Up! and my team of demonstrators! Click on the link www.startmybusinesswithshelly.com now.
After you fill out the online application, select your Starter Kit Contents and submit the payment, you’ll be a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator and a Scattered Stamper! We are scattered and stamping from coast to coast. 🙂
Have some questions? Would you like to learn more about becoming a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator? Then you’ll want to attend my Stampin’ Up! Opportunity Night Call this next Thursday evening. Click on the link www.opportunitynightcall.com to reserve your spot for this live call. After a short presentation about the different avenues of income, the compensation plan and what to expect from me as your upline, there’ll be plenty of time to ask your questions.
Stamping Smiles,
As I wrote about my home-based business, there were a lot of I’s. The truth of my business is that is about you. It’s all about serving my cherished customers and downline (others who joined Stampin’ Up! with me). Because I’m so grateful for my wonderful customers, during the five days I’m gone for the Founder’s Circle retreat, I’m going to have two special offerings. One will be for my subscribers to The Stamper’s Insider. The other will be a special promotion. Watch for details in the upcoming weeks.