Stamping Smiles Holiday Catalog Designer Series Paper & Ribbon Share! Your opportunity to have a generous portion of all the Holiday Designer Series Papers and/or Ribbons at a fraction of the price! Holiday Designer Series Paper & Ribbon Share Twelve 6″ x 6″ sheets (1 of each of the 12 patterns) Specialty Designer Series Paper:
Designer Series Paper:
Designer Series Paper Stack – 1 each of 24 patterns in 4-1/2″ x 6-1/2″ sheets
Holiday Designer Series Paper Share (inc. Priority Mail Shipping): $34.95 To purchase each would cost over $119*! _________________________________ Holiday Ribbon Share
Cherry Cobbler 1″ Sheer Linen Ribbon – 2 yards Real Red 3/8″ Satin Woven Ribbon – 2 yards Lost Lagoon 3/8″ Silky Taffeta Ribbon – 2 yards Natural & Old Olive Two-Tone Trim – 2 yards White & Tangerine Tango Two-Tone Trim – 2 yards Holiday Ribbon Share (including First Class shipping): $13.95 To purchase each would cost over $36*! *cost varied by state and local sales tax. _____________ Holiday Catalog Designer Series Paper & Ribbon Share (including Priority Mail shipping): $45.90 _________________________________________________ How to order your Holiday Designer Series Paper and/or Ribbon Share: To participate in the Stamping Smiles Holiday Designer Series Paper and Ribbon Share send an email to to place your order now! Please indicate if you would like to participate in the paper & ribbon, paper only or ribbon only shares. On August 22 I will send you a pay link for your order. Money for the order cannot be collected before then. I will be placing the order for the paper/ribbon share on August 28, 2014. To be included in the August 28 order, your payment must be received my August 27.
Comment left by Linda from Nevada about a previous Stampin’ Up! Catalog Ribbon/Paper Share:
Just received my 2012 Paper/Ribbon Share from Shelly and have only one thing to say: F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S-! It’s even better than last year’s offering! LOVE LOVE LOVE how organized everything is. There’s no guesswork and no wondering what the ribbon colors are or what the name of a particular collection of designer paper is. Everything is clearly labeled and wonderfully packaged. THANKS AGAIN, Shelly, for offering another spectacular share! |
Have any questions about my Holiday Catalog Paper or Ribbon Share? Email them to
Stamping Smiles,
My Stampin’ Up! Holiday Catalog Paper and Ribbon Share is an excellent way to get all of the new Designer Papers and ribbons at a fraction of the cost of purchasing all of them!