Turned on the news this evening as I was cleaning up from dinner to hear the utterly sad news that we have lost the man who was brought so much laughter to us, the incredible Robin Williams.
I’m old enough to remember our first introduction to Robin Williams as Mork from Ork on Happy Days, and not from reruns. 🙂 Always looked forward to watching Mork & Mindy every week. No matter if you were old enough to watch Mork & Minday, we’ve all enjoyed his many movies. Who can forget Mrs. Doubtfire? Watched it with a friend that I thought was going to split into with laughter. That was just one of his many, many movies. Most made us laugh. Others impressed us with his talent as a dramatic actor. Like you, I’m sure, still stunned at the loss.
For the past three or four hours just couldn’t turn the channel as one news show after the other shared movie and televisions clips, sharing comments by many celebrities and stories of his generosity. During an interview with Larry King it was said we all need to stop and think about a friend who needs to hear from us. It was suggested we pick up the phone or show up on their doorstep tomorrow. We never know what someone is struggling with. Both are excellent ideas.
I couldn’t help but think for all of us cardmakers, we have the ability to show others we care, are thinking of them and available to lend an ear or shoulder if needed through our talents of making handmade cards. How many handmade cards can you put in the mail tomorrow to let someone know you love them?
After you do, please share below this post after you have. It would be comforting to learn the the tragic loss of Robin Williams was used as a great reason to put some handmade cards in the mail.
Stamping Smiles,
August 11, 2014 is a sad day as the world mourns the loss the incredibly talented Robin Williams. I love to laugh. Tonight my heart is heavy with knowing we’ve all missed out on what could have been many more years of new laughs. Rest in peace Robin Williams.