Yesterday I realized because I was able to turn my enthusiasm for Stampin’ Up! products into a way to earn an income, I pretty much only talk to you about joining Stampin’ Up! to earn money too.
Makes sense when you have a job you love and can help others do the same. Even so, earning money may not be the reason you’d want to become a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator. For some it’s the social part that is more important. It is fun getting together with others who share the same passion for cardmaking and rubberstamping too.
Why not? Stampers are the nicest people. I’ve gone all over the country with my stamping business and have consistently met wonderful women and men. We would find ourselves, once again, in a new city and state, not knowing a soul. Through my stamping business as a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator, we met and made new friends. Many times the friendship would extend to the spouse too. Jim and I would both have some to play with. 🙂
Jim and I are both very social creatures. The socialization provided by owning my own stamping business has and continues to be a huge blessing.
Maybe money and socialization isn’t the main reason you’ve thought about joining Stampin’ Up! It could as easily be because you so very much enjoy your craft, that you want to teach the world how to make handmade greeting cards too. Boy, I sure get that. I was constantly inviting others over to stamp with me. Thrilled to share my rubberstamps and the little bit I knew. Jim saw this and suggested I join Stampin’ Up!
And, wow, am I glad he did!
While I am absolutely thrilled that by becoming a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator I’ve been able to earn an income, free stamps and incredible vacations, what makes this the best job ever is the sweet, wonderful people I’ve met and those I will get to meet.
Whatever your reason is to join Stampin’ Up!, money, socialization or teaching the world, I would love to help you and invite you to join my team of Stampin’ Up! Demonstrators. We’re the Scattered Stampers. We’re scattered and stampin’ all over the country!
Join Stampin’ Up! with me by June 30, 2015 and add two stamp sets of your choice to your Starter Kit! More supplies to help you earn money while having fun teaching the world how to stamp and make greeting cards!
How do you join Stampin’ Up! with me? There are three options.
- The first is for those who know this what they want to do, have no questions and are ready to join now. That is to click on to pick out your Stampin’ Up! Starter Kit contents and sign the Demonstrator Agreement.
- Learn more about becoming a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator on my Thursday evening Opportunity Night Call. You’ll have an opportunity to ask any questions you have about joining Stampin’ Up! Register for my live call here.
- Just way to excited to wait until Thursday evening, believe me, I so get that. Once I decide I want to do something, I want to do it and do it now! You are most welcome to call me at 702-513-9997 or send an email to
Stamping Smiles,
There are most definitely more important things than making money. If joining Stampin’ Up! to just have fun stamping with others or teaching others is why you’d like to become a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator, it’s all good!