Stampin' Up! Stampin' ScrubHow do you clean your rubber stamps? At the first three Stampin’ Up! demonstration I attended, the demonstrator used water in a scrub pad to wash the stamps and a towel to dry them on.

You do as your taught, right?  I’d stamp and have lines in the stamped images, turn over the stamp and have to pick fibers off of the stamp. Where in the world were these coming from? Thought it had to be from the ink pads because there were fibers on it too.

Thank goodness I started stamping about the time the show CSI made its debut. All those fibers were coming from the towel! Well, that practice ended immediately.

Then there was the day I was stamping a smiley face stamp in multiple colors. I stamped in a deep blue. Cleaned my stamp so to use another color. The next color was yellow. Remember she used water and I was doing as taught? May I tell you I was not at all thrilled when my new yellow ink pad now had a dark blue solid circle?

Through with using towels and water, I read the information about the Stampin’ Mist. It read that it cleaned and conditioned the rubberstamps. Clean, of course. What really caught my attention was that it also conditions rubberstamps. We all have an investment in our stamps. That there was a product that will keep the rubber soft and in good condition for years to come simply made good sense to use. Also, those purchasing my retired Stampin’ Up! stamp sets can rest assured the rubberstamps have been well cared for.

The Stampin’ Scrub has evolved over the years. From doing classes, I have five of a previous style. One of the next generation. For that reason, I didn’t order the latest style right away. Wow, it is a very much improved model.

It’s now large enough to be really scrub a large background stamp, room to move it back and forth for a good cleaning.

Stampin' Up! Stamp and Scrub

The earlier version didn’t indicate which side to use for the Stampin’ Mist. On the opposite side you dry and remove any residual ink. Often you’d find yourself putting your fingers on the pad to find out which side you’d been using with the stamp cleaner.

With the new improved larger scrub area came images that make it quite clear which side to use with the stamp cleaner.

Stampin' Up! Stamp and Scrub

 Raindrops for the Stampin’ Mist side, a sun for the side to dry.

Stampin' Up! Stamp and Scrub

Without a doubt, I highly recommend using the Stampin’ Scrub and Stampin’ Mist to clean and care for your rubberstamps. Both are available to order now in my online store

Haven’t upgraded up the newest Stampin’ Scrub? Order it, you’ll like it!




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Scrub a dub dub. Give your rubberstamps a good scrub with the Stampin’ Scrub and Mist.



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