Santa and his jolly elves have been busy baking up an amusing Christmas gift idea with the Stampin’ Up! Jolly Friends Stamp Set! See how to make my easy and inexpensive humorous Christmas gift in my Jolly Friends Christmas gift tutorial video. Watch until the end to see the fun addition that is the icing on the cake, uh, muffins. 🙂
Click to watch my Jolly Friend Christmas gift tutorial here if the video is not displaying properly on your device.
My humorous Jolly Friends Christmas gift is easy and inexpensive enough to make for friends, co-workers, mail carrier, hair dresser and the UPS driver that delivers our Stampin’ Up! orders. 🙂 If you have an avid baker on your Christmas gift list, upgrade the muffin tin to one they can use for years to come.
Hampton Art Action Wobble Spring, 48-pack
Hampton Art Action Wobble Spring, 100-pack (Best per piece price)
Hampton Art Action Wobble Spring, 12-pack
Download and print muffin-for-christmas-stamping-smiles
All the supplies to make my amusing Jolly Friends Christmas gift are pictured below and available to order in my online store
Jolly Friends Christmas Gift Supplies

Stamping Smiles,
Like my amusing Jolly Friends Christmas gift? Leave a comment below!