What's a leapean?  The Leap Day dictionary, Leaptionary, below will teach you all sorts of new words and definitions for this rare day.

Five million Leapers on the planet — many are members of the Honor Society of Leap Year Day Babies.

Leaptionary: The Leaper Lexicon


Is this a Leaptionary of Leapese? or just a Leapossery?

Listed here are some words the Oxford English Dictionary missed. If it's in the New York Times, it must be a word!

New York Times 24/Feb/00 headline proclaims: Sites Help Leaplings Bridge Birthday Gap.

The story also features usage of Leaptionary and Leapest.

  1. Leap Central – www.leapyearday.com
  2. Leap On! – It's like saying Right On!
  3. LeapGram – The Grand Mother of a Leap Day Baby
  4. LeapGramp – The Grand Father of a Leap Day Baby
  5. Leap-Couple – Two Leapies married to each other
  6. Leap-Twins – Twins born on Leap Day
  7. Leaparium – A chat room for Leapeans
  8. Leapathon – a way of looking for Leapies; like having a Leapathon on the radio or TVannouncing the search for people born on February 29. Encourage your city to have a Leapathon!
  9. Leapcentric – One who collects Leap Year themed items and products.
  10. Leapdom – www.leapyearday.com
  11. Leapeans – People born on Leap Day
  12. Leapenvy – Jealousy from not being born on February 29
  13. Leaper – A person born on Leap Day
  14. Leapery – This could be where a Leap Day Baby hangs out, or lives. It could also be where Leap Day Babies are born. "Leaplings are born in the Leapery."
  15. Leapest Regards – Deeper than Deepest Regards
  16. Leapette – Female Leapean
  17. Leapfully – As in Respectfully
  18. Leapicide – People who celebrate on Feb 28 and Mar 1 as well as Feb 29!
  19. Leapicious – Something that is good
  20. Leapier – Something done by a Leapy is Leapier than that same something done by a non-Leapy.
  21. Leapification – what happens to those born on Leap Day
  22. Leapify – To make Leap Day oriented
  23. Leapination – What in Leapination is that?
  24. Leapingly – As in Sincerely
  25. Leapio! – Like Ciao or Aloha or Goodbye, See Ya, Leapio!
  26. LeapistSomeone really into their Leapness
  27. Leapitude – The attitude of a Leap Day Baby about their Leapness
  28. Leapless – Anyone not born on February 29.
  29. Leapling – A newborn Leap Day Baby
  30. Leapness – Regarding the essence of our birthday
  31. Leapophilia – A fondness for collecting things related to Leap Year
  32. Leapophile – One who collects Leap Year related items.
  33. Leapometer – How to tell if something is Leapy enough. Leapometer says this website is highly Leapified.
  34. Leapover – A sleepover birthday party for a Leap Day Baby.
  35. LeapPeep – A friend who is born on Leap Day
  36. Leaprechaun – An Irish Leaper
  37. Leapship – A friendship or relationship between 2 Leapies.
  38. Leapster – Male Leapean
  39. Leaptacular – As in spectacular
  40. Leaptastic – An amazing Leap Year related thing.
  41. Leaptwin – Someone born the same year and as close to the same time as possible
  42. Leapy – Another word for a Leap Day Baby


Article from http://leapyearday.com/  found my Godby With Us Stamper Beverly Gasior.  An inky hug for Beverly for helping all of us expand our Leapology.


    Use your extra day to make a hand stamped birthday card.



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