My Digital Studio Printed CardMy upline designed this congrats card for me with MDS (My Digital Studio) and used the Stampin’ Up! printing service to have it made. This was the first digitally designed card she sent me, and now, probably the last. Stampin’ Up! is going to stop selling the software with its over $500 worth of content and optional downloads we can purchase.

As much as I personally enjoy using the software to create banners and such for my business, Stampin’ Up! customers, for the most part, enjoy creating handmade cards and scrapbooks by hand with rubberstamps, die-cuts, buttons, ribbons and all that good stuff. We have to touch and feel the texture. So Stampin’ Up! is discontinuing the digital design software and concentrate on doing what they do best – provide us with high quality rubberstamps and accessories to create handmade cards, gift items and more.

MDS will be available through May 31, 2015. So, this is what you will want to do before then if you own it or wish to purchase it before it’s gone. If you purchased the software on a disk, great. You’ve got it. If not, be sure to back up your download and save it in case your computer crashes and you need to reload it.

For any additional downloads you purchased, save them to your computer for use with MDS and for Non-MDS uses. Stampin’ Up! has been storing them for us in our online accounts in the event we ever needed to download them again. They will be removed after May 31. Also, by storing the additional downloads you’ve purchase, if somehow your software becomes unusable, you’ll have the downloads you can use in another photo editing software.

This would also be a good time to open up your MDS program to find out if it’s working properly. Stampin’ Up! will provide support through May 31.

I hope my software lasts forever because I use it several times a week. Just today I used it to create a color challenge for the Stamping Playground. Easy to do when all the Stampin’ Up! colors are included. But when it comes to handmade cards, I want to feel the cardstock and hold the rubberstamps to create a hand-stamped smile. 🙂
Stamping Smiles,

Order Stampin' Up! stamps and accessories!


Remember, May 31, 2015 is the last day to purchase the Stampin’ Up! digital design software and to save any MDS downloads stored in your online Stampin’ Up! account. Please do this soon and not wait until the last day.




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