Waiting in the eye doctor’s waiting room earlier this week, I was browsing through a magazine. For the life of me, I cannot remember if it was a Good Housekeeping or Woman’s Day. What I do remember is reading an article about different ways to use buttons for every day purposes.
The first was to use a button to keep earrings paired. Brilliant, how many times have we searched through our jewelry boxes trying to find the mate?
Another was to use a button to level a leg on a table or chair. Loved that one. It wouldn’t even been seen, unlike a piece of chipboard or something else as equally unattractive under the leg. And it would go with the leg when moved. Fantastic idea.
There were some others too. I then was called and put the magazine back where I found it. I was going to ask the receptionist to copy the page for me before I left. As you can guess, when I returned, the magazine was not to be found. Lesson learned. But, I do remember the idea to share that I knew would be fun to share with my blog readers. This idea will not hide your pretty Stampin’ Up! Designer Buttons under a table leg or in a box. The idea was to use buttons for refrigerator magnets. What a colorful and cute idea!
Turning your Stampin’ Up! Designer Buttons into pretty refrigerator magnets could not be an easier. I found the magnet dots at a craft store. There are 24 in a package for $2.99. Peel off the adhesive backing on the magnet and stick it to the smooth side of your choice of color of Designer Buttons.
Would you say these children are as “cute as a button?”
Love the new 2013-2015 Stampin’ Up! In Colors? The In Color Boutique Details would make for some decorative refrigerator magnets in the yummy colors of Baked Brown Sugar, Coastal Cabana, Crisp Cantaloupe, Pistachio Pudding and Strawberry Slush.
Order Stampin’ Up! Designer Buttons in your favorite color collection in my online store www.shopwithshelly.com to make cute as a button magnets!
Listed below are the buttons in the four color collections and In Color Boutique Details linked directly into my online store to view and purchase.
Subtles Designer Buttons (shown in photos above)
Please be sure to contact me if you have any questions or if I can be of any assistance to you.
Stamping Smiles,
Buttons to decorate your handmade cards, scrapbook pages and now your refrigerator! Order Stampin’ Up! Designer Buttons in my online store www.shopwithshelly.com!